Bohol Restoration Group
A few people of the LT Team has extended their expertise to
support the organizations’
mission to restore and advocate for
the city’s cultural heritage sites that were severely
damaged from the 2013 earthquake and super typhoon.COMMUNITY
Philippine Association of
Engineers (PAMWE)Through their fundraising efforts and events, proceeds go to certain
small towns in the Philippines to help children with their educational
National Breast Center
FoundationWe are fighters and survivors indeed. Taking part in The Walkto
Fight Breast Cancer
creates a different level of positivityand
encouragement. We proactively take part in
these events and
continue to show support for NBCF.COMMUNITY
Oxon Hill High School
InternsSince 2014, LT has taken 1-2 junior/senior students each
school year to come
intern at the office and work with our
architects and engineers for hands on
learning experience.
The students are also mentored by an individual
to help them with their year long senior project.COMMUNITY
Philippine American
Engineers (PAMWE)Hedy was a former President/Chairman of this organization
and still actively takes
part in their mission of helping out
engineering students in the Philippines.
The organization helps
raise funds for scholarships to enable the students to
as well as assisting the new engineers in finding jobs in the
Habitat for Humanity
The LT Team has helped with the Montgomery County chapter to
help with the construction of townhomes in Gaithersburg, MD.COMMUNITY